CC = swege SOURCE = src DESTINATION = dst PYHTON = python3 PORT = 8000 BIND = RS_USER = root RS_HOST = RS_PATH = /var/www/html CSSDIR = ${SOURCE}/assets/styles SCRIPTS_DIR = ./scripts all: ${CC} rebuild: ${CC} rebuild post: @@${SCRIPTS_DIR}/newpost mincss: @find ${CSSDIR} -type f -not -name '*.min.css' | ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/mincss urlcheck: @find ${SOURCE} -type f -name '*.md' -exec cat {} \+ | ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/urlcheck perm: find ./${DESTINATION} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find ./${DESTINATION} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; serve: all ${PYHTON} -m http.server --bind ${BIND} -d ./${DESTINATION} ${PORT} entr: find ./${SOURCE} | entr make deploy: all perm rsync -rtvzP ./${DESTINATION}/* ${RS_USER}@${RS_HOST}:${RS_PATH}/ clean: rm -rf ./${DESTINATION} ./.manifest help: @echo 'make # build site' @echo 'make rebuild # forcefully rebuild site' @echo 'make post # write a new article' @echo 'make mincss # minify CSS, invoke each time you modify CSS files' @echo 'make urlcheck # check Markdown source files for dead URLs' @echo 'make perm # set correct file permissions for output site files' @echo 'make serve # launch a local HTTP server to see changes, requires python 3' @echo 'make entr # check for file changes, and rebuild site automatically' @echo 'make deploy # upload site to the server' @echo 'make clean # delete the built site' @echo 'make help # print this text' .PHONY: all rebuild post mincss urlcheck perm serve entr deploy clean